A few weeks ago, an international customer placed an order and then wrote in asking if we could include a note to her father in the package. My web store is connected straight to the shipping house’s system and they process things in batches so unfortunately we weren't really set up to do that.
I won’t share it here out of confidentiality, but the gift note was very touching. I passed along the request to the owner of the shipping house and since they also provide print-on-demand services, she said they could use some of their greeting card stock to print the message and then manually add the card to the envelope. Nice to be working with a local business who can add a personal touch like that!
With Father’s Day coming up, I asked if there might be a way to hook up something like that to the online store… so folks could enter their own messages and they would get printed on the cards. With a little coordination from their system integrator, and tweaks on my end to the web store, we got something up and running!
Just enter your note at checkout in this box and it gets printed on the card:

Here’s the test I put together and sent to myself, including one of the new Gray Orange SS models as a present for my dad. (Mom, I know you read these updates, but Dad doesn’t know how to get to them online… so Shhhhhh!)

They came out looking great and we’re including the service free of charge on orders now through Father’s Day.