Check 1-2… check check. Sibilance. I’ve usually been a bit busy keeping up with production runs and creating new products to take time out to tell more about the SlimFold story, but when Felix of the Shopify Masters podcast asked me to chat I thought that would be a great chance to share more behind the scenes stuff. In our conversation, we touch on some things such as...
- How I accidentally turned my Etsy shop into a crowdfunding project
- The way my breakfast with Erik from Pebble Smartwatch came about
- How sometimes succeeding slow can be better than failing fast
So if you’ve ever been curious about the origins and history of SlimFold, head on over and check it out or just search for “Shopify” in your favorite podcast app and Shopify Masters will pop up with my interview as the latest episode.
Thanks! Yeah, I found the mic worked pretty well. Enjoy!
I’ll definitely check it out. I saw you have the same mic I got for my podcast.